The menopause is not an illness, but it is a time in a women’s life where 75% of women will develop troublesome symptoms.

By taking a full and comprehensive history we can really get to the core of how these might be affecting you to offer a bespoke treatment plan. This plan might include a range of medical and holistic advice.

Typical menopause occurs around aged 51 but women can often experience symptoms much earlier, entering perimenopause in their 40s. During your perimenopause and menopause, hormone levels fluctuate greatly and it’s this imbalance that can result in a range of symptoms, from hot flushes to aches, fatigue and mood changes.

We can support your symptoms with prescribing a range of body identical HRT including testosterone. HRT might not be right treatment for everyone and there are a range of other treatment options available that your Coastal GP will be able to discuss with you.

You will not be on your journey alone- our HRT package will include follow up throughout the first 3 months of treatment. And should your symptoms or needs change we would be happy to pick up again.

Menopause packages- includes a 30-minute initial consultation, a 10 minute follow up 4-6 weeks later and then a review around 3 months. £320.