Looking for an evidence based weight loss program under the supervision of doctor? Using evidenced based prescription medications you could lose 10-15% of your body weight.

Wegovy weight loss Southampton

Our weight management package is a holistic approach to managing your health and your weight. All under GP led care your prescriptions will be safely issued, your health monitored with nutrition screening blood tests and then you’ll have a personal nutrition and wellbeing coach who will support you with your motivation and food choices.

Your GP will always be available via email for queries and questions. 

For those patients where prescriptions may not be suitable or required we offer a 10 week wellness and weight coaching package.

What does the package involve?

The initial program is 3 months long but can be extended as needed and is aimed at patients with a BMI over 30 (or over 27 with other health problems) who would like to embark on injectable weight loss treatment (Wegovy or Mounjaro).

The program will include an initial GP assessment for suitability, blood tests for nutritional markers and overall wellness and your prescription of Wegovy or Mounjaro. Following this you will have regular contact with our nutrition coach- we would normally suggest week 2, 4 and 7 but can be more or less frequent as needed. This can be either face to face, video platform or email/phone.  The cost of the initial 3 month program is £900 which can be paid monthly and includes the medications.

What the program might look like for you:

  • Day 1– appointment with GP for history taking and suitability for treatment. Bloods to be run to consider nutritional deficiencies and cholesterol/blood sugars. If suitable start prescription medication
  • Week 2 – Meet with our health coach to discuss nutrition, side effects, motivational support
  • Week 4 – Meet with our health coach. GP will issue review medication and issue repeat if appropriate
  • Week 7-8 – Meet with our health coach. GP will issue review medication and issue repeat if appropriate
  • Week 11-12 – Review your progress with you health coach and rerun blood tests if required (additional cost if required). Planning for months 4-6.

What is Wegovy?

Wegovy weight loss Southampton

Wegovy is a once weekly injection that contains an substance which mimics a natural hormone called GLP-1 which helps regulate appetite and increases the feeling of fullness.

What results can I expect from Wegovy?

Clinical trials suggest that Wegovy is effective in patients that are overweight or obese. These trails have shown weight loss of around 10-15%. Weight loss varies for many reasons and the idea of offering you a package is to support with diet and lifestyle advice so you can have long term benefits to your weight.

What is Mounjaro?

Mounjaro is an once weekly injection that contains tirzepatide which works on two different hormone receptors: GLP-1 and GIP. These both work to make you feel less hungry and feel fuller for longer. Clinical trials suggest weight loss of around 20% of body weight over 18 months when combined with healthy lifestyle changes.

Is Wegovy/Mounjaro suitable for me?

Wegovy is only licenced in those with a BMI over 30 (obese) or over 27 if you have additional health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Patients with a history of thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine tumour or pancreatitis are not suitable for this patient. Pregnant women must not use Wegovy.

How long will it take to work?

Wegovy/Mounjaro starts working in 24 hours but it can take some weeks or months to build up to the correct dose for you. Our initial plan is 3 months as we would hope you will see good results at this point.

How much is the package?

The package is £900 for 3 months to include your medications, blood tests, nutritional support and GP appointments. You will be supported throughout the process as much as needed. For those patients wanting to access our wellness and weight coaching package this is available for £500 for the 10 week course. Additional months on either package are available at a reduced cost.

What is included in Wellness & Weight Package?

For some people injectable weight loss options might not be right and you absolutely do not need to have prescription medications for weight loss. Our Wellness & Weight package takes all the gold standard features of our injectables package but focuses on nutrition and motivation coaching to get you on the right path. Starting with a nurse appointment to check your weight and blood pressure and run a whole set of blood tests which include cardiovascular risk markers and nutritional levels. Then you will meet with Katie our health coach every 2 weeks to keep you following evidence based techniques to make those lifestyle changes.